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29 Years of Looking Back

This Year is For You Thank You Today I enter the last year of my twenties, and what a beautiful day to start a new year it is. Snow fell in Squamish making today brightly overcast, dry, and white. A cold, calm, and beautiful day couldn’t be more appreciated than today...

Capturing Rain

After enjoying the driest winter in memorable history, the rains have finally arrived in full force here in the Squamish valley. Not one to let the perpetually dark days and sounds of a downpour keep me from getting outside I decided to try something new. My theory...

A Mid-Winter’s Summer in Squamish

A Photographer’s Perspective During the winter Squamish is typically very wet being that it is nestled within a valley surrounded by coastal temperate rainforest. Having grown up on Vancouver Island I find this comforting, and welcome it as a yearly challenge. I...

A Sunny Disposition

Lately I’ve been finding it easier, and easier to keep a smile on my face, and on those around me. Little things that used to drive me mad don’t even blip on my radar, and even the bigger things like breaking my nose barely register. The more I find myself...

Discovery through Moving Water

In the midst of moving into my van I came across a piece of camera gear I realized I had purchased, yet never used; a circular ND filter. This realization just happened to come during some of the darkest, coldest, and wettest weather we will face this winter. Not one...