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People are Inspiring

During the month of May two unique pieces I’ve created will be on display at Zephyr café in Squamish BC. They will be alongside works from the other four artists who I share a workspace with at Homebase Studios. My contribution is a mixed media display, an ideal that’s been brewing for years which I have only now begun exploring. I booked the space for us within weeks of moving into the studio, overwhelmed with inspiration and gratitude. After seeing so much inspiring art around I couldn’t resist an opportunity to say thanks by finding a display space.


Coming to Life


A Step in the Right Direction

Moving into Homebase Studios was the smartest, and most committing decision I have been faced with so far in my journey as a freelance photographer/writer/doer-of-random-things-that-help-people. This decision came at a time when my life was in a state of complete upheaval. My traditional work situation was not existent, I was abandoning conventional housing, and was tired of helping people that didn’t deserve it. After twenty-five years I was finally going to take the leap and hustle.


I’m hustling all right.