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Since giving up working a stable, regular job in exchange for pursuing my passions of adventure, photography, and writing full time my life has been blessed with countless opportunities. Despite the hardships the smile on my face grows daily, my kindness reaches further and I have been able to inspire more people than I ever imagined I would. No longer does my energy go towards helping others get rich, but instead it goes into spreading a message of honesty, environmental stewardship, and kindness.


After enjoying nearly two months on the Sunshine Coast the engine in the van I called home seized, so I returned to Squamish as a gypsy living out of a backpack. The freedom from home, work and vehicle has allowed for many great things to fall into place in my life. During the past month back in Squamish I have begun some casual work at a doggie daycare, a job which I love but will be passing along to a friend in need as my schedule has become extremely full. I have been hired to be a ‘ghost writer’ of sorts managing social media accounts, while also being bestowed a great honor as a content creator for another social media outlet within the community. A bouldering image of mine was chosen to be the advertisement for our local climbing store in the soon to be released updated bouldering guide book. I was asked to work through the summer at a local store, and despite my desire to have more free time it is a opportunity I cannot pass up as it will help open many door. I have joined the team at Squamish Adventure as their climbing writer, and most excitingly I was recently contracted as chief content creator for a new hiking and trail running map that is being created for Squamish. This job requires that in the weeks to come I hike or run all the best trails in the Squamish area taking photos, writing descriptions and mapping route details. It is a opportunity I could never have come across if it were not for my flexible schedule, and network of friends and allies I have formed in town. All this work is on top of shooting for fun and for clients, and my social initiative Pure Intentions Project.


With my upcoming summer of constant work hiking, climbing, socializing, writing, and photographing I took today to spend a beautiful spring day in the forest with my good friend Megan Awesome. After enjoying a couple hours lounging in the sun we set off to wander through Crumpit woods, and Smoke Bluffs. We casually strolled through lush wilderness appreciating the bounty of spring and lounging at various viewpoints. I almost left my camera behind, but thanks to Megan`s reminder it came for the journey. We shared a magical day, and I`m happy to share some of my favourite shots with you.

When we live simply mother nature will provide all that we need. When we live honestly and spread kindness we receive blessing beyond our imaginations. I could not be more thankful for the friendships I have, and the people that help me along my journey. Without the support I receive I could not sustain my commitments to creating a better world for all to enjoy. As a single light we cannot overcome the darkness in the world, but by working together with pure intentions, integrity and personal sacrifice we can overcome fear, hate and destruction.